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Long COVID Questions

The covidCAREgroup is connecting the dots of Long COVID through education, research and resources.

We sponsor the largest interactive clinical social media community for Long COVID worldwide.

Followers can ask each other questions about long COVID recovery and share their successes in regaining their health.


We are required to review and monitor all posts and comments. We get hundreds of post submissions daily but have very limited volunteer resources, so not all posts get published.

In the Facebook COVID-19 Long Haulers Support group there is an open discussion post published daily at 7:05 AM ET. Admins are notified when comments are made. You can ask your questions there 24/7 and they are typically answered within 1-2 days.

In the sub-Reddit r/LongCOVID posts may also be automatically sent to the queue for approval.

Be sure you search the covidCAREgroup education blog and all of our groups for key words when you are looking for info. Chances are you will find that they have already been discussed. We have three years of helpful information and tips for recovery and symptom management.

To visit our communities, click on the images here:

Visit our education blog to find factual information about Long COVID recovery and management, written from the clinical perspective. All articles are supported by evidence-based research that you can share with your doctors.

Share our website resources with your doctors, family and friends who don’t use social media.

More from covidCAREgroup:

The covidCAREgroup specializes in education and integrative and complimentary medicine thought leadership. We are dedicated to bringing select resources to our community that are screened for validity. The information we share is supported by evidence-based research with clinical oversight. 

Find factual information about COVID, Long COVID, and tools for recovery for medical professionals and the community on Long COVID Help and Resources blog page.

Participate in interactive discussions through our social media groups at COVID-19 Long Haulers Support (facebook)COVID-19 Nutrition for Recovery (facebook), CovidCareGroup (reddit) and LongCovid (reddit)

We sponsor groundbreaking research on the covidCAREgroup research page

Keep moving, keep breathing.

Social Media Disclaimer: Our social media groups are public and comments are visible / discoverable to all internet users. The covidCAREgroup, its representatives, and its participants, are not acting as healthcare providers. Followers are not required to discuss their personal health status and share their private health information in this public forum at their own risk. The content presented on the Facebook page is intended to educate followers on current research about COVID and Long COVID, the impact it has on the body, available treatment options, and coping skills to deal with the challenges of long COVID. Information posted by the administrators is found in evidence-based research, scholarly articles with resources cited, and credible resources for the sole purpose of helping members make informed decision about their healthcare based on objective and accurate information. Followers are responsible for confirming the validity of information other followers share and reporting information that is harmful in any way to administrators. Members and followers should check with their personal doctors before making any changes in medications, nutritional supplements, diets, or changes in activities/exercise routines.

Follow the covidCAREgroup education page for Long COVID info & resources.

Use the search bar on keywords:

  • MCAS

  • Histamine

  • Inflammation

  • Low histamine diet

  • Breathwork

  • Self-care

  • Add symptoms you are having

Resources from covidCAREgroup

Newsletter — covidCAREgroup

Recovery Tools — covidCAREgroup

Education Blog Table of Contents — covidCAREgroup

Long COVID Recovery Information and Resources — covidCAREgroup

Long COVID FAQ — covidCAREgroup

Library — covidCAREgroup

COVID-19 Long Haulers Support Group (Facebook)


COVID Care Group, LLC is not a healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.