Using sanitizers and household cleaners safely.

One thing we have all learned through the pandemic is that clean hands and clean surfaces are extremely important in stopping the spread of COVID. But in order to do this safely, you need to understand more about the chemicals and how to use them safely.

Cleaning and household products may be hazardous to your health. There is a new hand sanitizer recall alert today, and it is not the only one. Be sure to read ingredients lists when purchasing products like hand sanitizers, sunscreens, makeup, moisturizers, and soaps and look at label instructions when using wipes. Items like Clorox wipes say to wash your hands after use.

Perfumes and other chemicals are not necessary in hand sanitizer. In fact, they can be dangerous. Why? Because the chemicals are toxic and they are absorbed into your body through your skin with prolonged exposure.

Why are products that contain dangerous chemicals sold? Because the product has been determined to be of minimal risk with short term exposures, like minutes. But, if the chemicals are going to be in contact with your skin longer than a few minutes, you should wear gloves. Think of the RoundUp : non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma situation.

Here is an example of a typical household cleaning product that should be washed off the skin within a few minutes:


Early in the pandemic, several hand sanitizers containing methyl alcohol were recalled because methyl alcohol is toxic. Ethyl alcohol, the same chemical contained in rubbing alcohol and liquor/wine/beer, is considered safe to use on skin as a cleanser, but is not consumable in high concentrations. This is why there is a limit on alcohol drink "proof" levels and why people can die from alcohol poisoning.

These links provide examples of a hand sanitizers that were recently recalled because they contain carcinogenic ingredients:

How do you find a safe sanitizer? Be an informed consumer. Search for recalls, look for reliable resources like the FDA when learning.

Stay safe. Stay informed.
Brought to you by Covid care, connecting the dots of long Covid through education, research, and resources.

COVID Care Group, LLC is not a healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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