CCG Education Blog
Knowledge is power.
Informational articles written from the clinical perspective and supported by evidence-based research by CCG Clinical Experts.
We are connecting the dots through education, research, and resources.
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My Formula C Story
Have you heard about Formula C? It is a 100% natural tincture that was developed by doctors to address Long COVID symptoms. It has worked great for me and I believe it will help you too! Learn all about Formula C and how it helped to restore balance in my life after my 2024 COVID-19 infection. Keep Moving, Keep Breathing! -Nurse Laney

Education Blog Table of Contents
Browse through a comprehensive list of covidCAREgroup educational articles written by our Long COVID clinical experts.

The science behind Formula C
Formula C has been clinically shown to alleviate Long COVID symptoms. Get an in-depth view of the science and pathophysiology behind Formula C and how it helps to alleviate Long COVID symptoms.

Restoring Resilience and Long COVID Recovery
Are you surviving or thriving? This article discusses the resilience and strategies that people can use to get back to a place of thriving.

Stellate Ganglion Blocks May Restore Smell and Taste for Long COVID Patients
Stellate ganglion blocks are helping to restore a sense of taste and smell for Long COVID sufferers within 1-2 hours of the procedure, even in people who lost their senses 2-3 years ago. This article, written in collaboration with Dr. Shivani Chadha, discusses the procedure and what to look for when seeking treatment.

988 Suicide Crisis Hotline
Are you or someone you know experiencing a mental health crisis? Help is just a call or text 988 (US Only).
Long COVID can change the hormonal balance in your brain in a that causes anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. This is due to post COVID neural (brain) inflammation. You’re not crazy, and you’re not alone. There is treatment and support available to help you through this illness.

Low Dose Naltrexone for Post COVID Inflammation
Low Dose Naltrexone has been shown to be effective in treating the neural inflammation caused by post COVID condition. This article explains how LDN works to reduce inflammation in the brain and central nervous system by addressing the biological causes of dysautonomia, when the immune system turns on itself damaging nerves and organs. The information here can be shared with your doctor if they are not familiar with this treatment option. Get your 1st month supply at an 80% discount with code covidCAREgroup through the Pharmco pharmacy.

Reduce inflammation with Red Light Therapy
Red light therapy (RLT), also known as photobiomodulation therapy is an emerging treatment that’s showing promise in treating post COVID inflammation. This scientifically proven therapy involves periodic brief exposure to red or infrared light, is a noninvasive, safe, and affordable method that is currently being used to treat inflammatory conditions. This article provides an overview of the treatment.

Fatigue and Immunocompromise in Long COVID could be Adrenal Insufficiency
The adrenal glands play an important role in a healthy immune system, but adrenal insufficiency is a medical condition caused by chronic illness or stress that occurs when the adrenal glands don’t make enough cortisol. It can be difficult to diagnose and is often missed.

Self Care Basics
When we push ourselves too hard, our immune system cannot keep us healthy. This article gives practical advice on recognizing stress and what to do about it.

Important information about applying for disability benefits.
This article provides information about the process of applying for disability and the documentation needed for social security disability and long-term disability.

Deciding whether or not to get the COVID vaccine booster
COVID cases continue to rise, and many people are wondering if they should take the booster or not. This discussion will help you figure out your plan for receiving or declining boosters.

Functional Nerve Disorder (FND) and Long COVID
Functional nerve disorder (FND) is a communication failure between the body and the brain. It can be difficult to diagnose and is often overlooked as a diagnosis. It refers to a group of common neurological movement disorders caused by an abnormality in how the brain functions.

How to Spot Quality Science - Don’t Fall for Hype
How to Spot Quality Science - Don’t Fall for Hype

Is my COVID test positive?
As COVID-19 continues to mutate and spread, many of us find ourselves repeatedly re-testing at home, but are unsure of what a positive test looks like. Any trace of a line is considered positive. This article explains how to do a home test properly and has pictures of actual positive home tests to help you figure this out.

Post COVID Cerebral Hypoxia
COVID-19 is causing issues in the control center of the brain that should be keeping the heart rate and oxygen levels in synch, leading to silent hypoxia. A lack of oxygen to the brain for longer than 3 minutes causes permanent brain damage. This article explains why this is happening and offers some ideas on interventions to manage this issue.
Long COVID prevention and treatment guidance
COVID-19 is causing issues in the control center of the brain that should be keeping the heart rate and oxygen levels in synch, leading to silent hypoxia. A lack of oxygen to the brain for longer than 3 minutes causes permanent brain damage. This article explains why this is happening and offers some ideas on interventions to manage this issue.
COVID Brain Fog
What causes COVID brain fog? This article discusses post COVID brain fog and offers insights into possible causes with suggestions for managing this symptom.

Post COVID-19 Lung and Oxygen Issues
Many people who have had COVID-19 have experienced pulmonary (lung) complications and/or damage. Some have experienced neural complications causing central sleep apnea. This article discusses these issues and offers information on what to expect for treatment.

The Root of Long COVID
What causes Long COVID? The disruption of the immune system, causing it to turn on itself, and leading to post COVID complications weeks, months and years after being exposed to the spike protein in the virus or the vaccine.