2022 New Years Reflections

Reflections from the past, 2021

As predicted, 2021 brought us medical advances in COVID. 2022 will bring more. With politics and the economic fallout of the pandemic, 2022 is likely to have a lot twists and turns too.

We need to make it a priority to stay focused on the positive, work together, and maintain balance in our lives. We can’t let fear and anxiety dictate our future. Many people are facing loss of one kind or another. It could be family or friends, health, or employment. Grief, depression and anxiety are normal reactions. Change is always uncomfortable. Take a moment to count your blessings every day. Calm your body with breathwork and movement - stretching, walking or whatever your body can tolerate. Nourish your body and your soul. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others.

Life may be different, but you are here. Never lose sight of that. For our part, we will keep looking for solutions and sharing factual information here and on our blog page at: https://www.covidcaregroup.org/blog

So keep moving, keep breathing!

We wish everybody a safe, healthy and peaceful New Year.

Brought to you by ProMedView.com and covidCAREgroup.org, connecting the dots of long COVID through education, research and resources.

Reflections from the past, 2020

There is only one word for 2020... unprecedented. So many stressful changes have been forced upon us in a world that has become completely unpredictable. We have suffered tremendous loss. Virtually everyone in the world has been touched by the pandemic and it’s fall out.

With the end of 2020 in sight, I wanted to celebrate our accomplishments and look ahead to the positive changes to come.

2020 has challenged us, but we have also found strength we didn’t know we had before. Take a moment to acknowledge your big and small successes. For some that means surviving the pandemic. For essential workers who had no choice that means facing their fears and showing up to work every day no matter how hard it was. In 2021 remember every day is a gift. Every step we take is a victory. Celebrate the small things we used to take for granted.

2020 has forced us to grow and use technology more than we ever noticed or knew we would need to before. Zoom, virtual meetings for business and family time, remote jobs, online education, Apple watches that track EKGs, online grocery shopping to keep older and unwell people safe at home... these may not have been easy but they are all amazing feats. 2021 will continue to bring more advances.

Medical Advancements:
In 2020 COVID-19 took the world by surprise but our response has been incredible. We have been successful in communicating updates, research has been done on pretty much any topic you can think of, big pharma has joined efforts to find solutions, healthcare systems have turned on a dime doing their best to care for the overwhelming numbers of patients. Our healthcare workers, first responders, police, fire, ambulance, national guard and military have shown heroism and bravery in the face of death like never before.

2021 will continue to bring more medical advances and successes in conquering COVID-19. We still have a long way to go in conquering this beast, so we can’t let our guard down, but we are making good progress. Please continue to support frontline workers in all fields so they can continue to support our communities. It’s as easy as saying a kind word or offering to do someone’s grocery shopping.

In 2021, we will continue to evolve and grow together. It is my greatest hope that we will continue to break barriers and band together to support each other in finding the solutions we need to get through this.

We wish everybody a safe, healthy and peaceful New Year.

Keep moving, keep breathing!

Brought to you by ProMedView.com and covidCAREgroup.org, connecting the dots of long COVID through education, research and resources.

COVID Care Group, LLC is not a healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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