Help us help others.

The covidCAREgroup has become a lifeline for millions of people struggling with the medical sequelae of COVID-19.

Help us help others.

Please donate, volunteer, or purchase a $35, $50 Support Membership.

COVID Care Group, LLC, is not a “not for profit” organization. Donations , gifts & memberships are not tax-deductible.

The covidCAREgroup (CCG) is connecting the dots of Long COVID through education, research, and resources for those experiencing long-term or chronic medical and neurological sequelae of the virus.

We are run by volunteers and self-funded. We depend on community support to continue our education & outreach initiatives.

Please donate, volunteer, or sign up for a membership to support members as they recapture their medical, social, and psychological health.

100% of your donation is used to support the covidCAREgroup website, free global education, research, and outreach initiatives.

Donations are used for the following and more…

  • Clinical and medical publication validation

  • Education, research, and development

  • Volunteer program oversight

  • Quality assurance and compliance

  • Website and operational support

COVID Care Group, LLC, is not a “not for profit” organization. Donations , gifts , and memberships are not tax-deductible.


Below are some suggested some donation levels, but if you would like to donate more, simply increase the quantity and your level will multiply by that amount.