Gold Group Support Level - $50


The covidCAREgroup (CCG) was founded to address the global needs of the millions of people experiencing Long COVID, also known as Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC). We are connecting the dots of Long COVID through education, research, and resources for those experiencing long-term or chronic medical and neurological sequelae of the virus.

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100% of your website donation is used to support the covidCAREgroup website, free global education, research, and outreach initiatives.

Help us help others. At covidCAREgroup, we offer free community education with information about post COVID syndrome. In the last year, our social media outreach has helped 5 million people looking for answers as they adapt to their “new norm”. Thank you for your support.

Initiatives include:

Helping us help others - covidCAREgroup donsations



“I’m super thankful for this group.. great platform to learn from others and is a way to try to get relief from this awful condition. I can finally say after 5 months of extreme symptoms I’m having a few good days a week and now feel like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.” - Marie K.