covidCAREgroup Community Collaboration

The covidCAREgroup specializes in education and Long COVID interventions. We bring resources to the community that are screened for validity. Our clinical team shares information that is supported by evidence-based research. 

covidCAREgroup highlights:

Find factual information about COVID, Long COVID, and tools for symptom management on our education blog.

Particpate in interactive discussions through our social media groups at COVID-19 Long Haulers Support (facebook)COVID-19 Nutrition for Recovery (facebook), CovidCareGroup (reddit) and LongCovid (reddit)

Sign up for our newsletter.

Visit our website for updates, events, tools, and resources.

Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this article before participating in discussions.

Keep moving, keep breathing.

Social Media Disclaimer: Our community support groups are public groups and comments are visible and discoverable to all internet users. The covidCAREgroup, its representatives, and its participants, are not acting as healthcare providers. Followers are not required to discuss their personal health status and share their private health information in this public forum at their own risk. The content presented on our website and social media is intended to educate followers about COVID and Long COVID. Information posted by the administrators is supported by evidence-based research, scholarly articles, and other professional sources, and cited it each article for the sole purpose of helping followers make informed decision about their healthcare using objective and accurate information. Followers are responsible for confirming the validity of information other followers share and reporting information that is harmful in any way. Followers should check with their personal doctors before making any changes in medications, nutritional supplements, diets, or changes in activities/exercise routines.

COVID Care Group, LLC is not a healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


Long COVID Questions


FDA Authorizes First COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Using Breath Samples with results in less than three minutes