CCG Education Blog

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Informational articles written from the clinical perspective and supported by evidence-based research by CCG Clinical Experts.

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The science behind Formula C
Nicholas Benik Nicholas Benik

The science behind Formula C

Formula C has been clinically shown to alleviate Long COVID symptoms. Get an in-depth view of the science and pathophysiology behind Formula C and how it helps to alleviate Long COVID symptoms.

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Functional Nerve Disorder (FND) and Long COVID
Delainne Bond Delainne Bond

Functional Nerve Disorder (FND) and Long COVID

Functional nerve disorder (FND) is a communication failure between the body and the brain. It can be difficult to diagnose and is often overlooked as a diagnosis. It refers to a group of common neurological movement disorders caused by an abnormality in how the brain functions.

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How can a low histamine diet help with COVID recovery?
Delainne B. Delainne B.

How can a low histamine diet help with COVID recovery?

Many have found that just a few simple diet changes can help relieve symptoms caused by post-COVID mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). This article talks about the low histamine diet and how it is helping people in their recovery.

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